

Saturday, August 20, 2011

We Got Approved for the Generation Rescue Grant!

The day after Aohdan got his autism diagnosis I applied for the Family Grant from Generation Rescue.  I applied on 8/17 and today I got an email that WE WERE APPROVED!  I am SOOOO excited!  This is a big deal because it pays for us to take Aohdan to a DAN! Dr.  DAN! Dr's do tons of testing for heavy metals and other toxins and work with the parents to create a treatment plan catered to your child.  A typical pediatrician won't even test for heavy metals...because mainstream medicine doesn't believe that autism can be anything but a neurological disorder.

The fact is that most autistic kids that are actually tested end up having heavy metal toxicity, yeast overgrowth, and leaky gut syndrome.  Ugghh... 

I am just soooo grateful to get approved for this grant, because Kenny and I DO NOT have the money to pay for a DAN! Dr.  Insurance does not pay for it because it is outside of mainstream protocol, and the average first visit is $575, and the lab testing can run in the neighborhood of $700-$1200.  So believe me when I tell you I am beyond elated to get approved for this grant! 

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