

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Friday, November 13, 2009

Lots and lots going on! Before I get into Ava's new updates, I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Aohdan who turned 4 years old on Veteran's Day! We took him to Pizza Hut to celebrate--he had a blast! So hard to believe he is 4 years old already--my goodness! And such a little man he is! He is so sweet and so caring, such a joy to be around! Mommy & Daddy love you little man!

As for Ava...she was fitted for her new wheelchair on thursday, and I was kinda bummed when they said it could take up to 5 months to get it:( Bummer! I am hoping they are wrong and it comes sooner! I talked to a friend of mine who was told the same thing and hers came in 8 weeks--so I hope that we get it sooner! We also took her to Audiology the same day to get her hearing checked and found out that, yet again, she has fluid behind her ear drums, so we have decided to get tubes put in her her ears. I hate doing surgery, but Kenny and I both agreed this is a good decision for her, and she has had soooo many ear infections--poor baby! So she goes into Children's this coming monday night, to be admitted, and her surgery is 7am tuesday morning. THEN, I have exams tuesday afternoon, exams wednesday afternoon, and Kenny and I are leaving thursday to GET OUT OF DODGE! WOOT WOOT! I cannot wait! So I am just telling everyone right now---we will not be answering our cell phone! Lol! Love ya'll but we REALLY need a break!

Kenny and I are doing well, still just taking things day by day, week by week. We have a great nursing staff now, and (hopefully) we won't have to deal with any staffing issues for awhile now. School is going well for me, although juggling everything have been tough to say the least; full time student, leading a workout group 3x a week, organizing Ava's stuff. It sounds like a lot, but it's really not as bad as it might sound. I talk to other moms and sometimes wonder how THEY do it, but life is really good, God has blessed us in so many ways I cannot begin to count. He placed us in a beautiful home, He has made a way [financially] for us to survive, He has protected, He has brought people into our lives to help us along. I think sometimes of the Israelites, wondering in the desert, complaining for various reasons, and God always came through. I catch myself sometimes getting grumpy, complaining, worrying about money and various things, then I have to stop and remind myself, "You know, God has come through every. single. time." It really is So true.

So back to updates....In December Kenny and I are going to Weekend oto Remember, it is a marriage conference that comes to Columbus every year (usually December) and we had such a great time last year that we decided to go again this year. It is Dec 11-13. Also, if anyone wants to stop and pay her a visit, we are having a birthday party for Ava early on December 31st. Just an informal gathering to give everyone a chance to see her.

I hope everyone is doing well and, again, thank you all for the well wishes!           

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