In light of what happened in Sacramento, Ca. where a 5mo baby boy was taken from his parents because they demanded a second opinion before undergoing a medical procedure, I have posted this list created by a legal firm about ten ways to protect yourself and your children if CPS targets your family. If you have special needs children you are at a much higher risk of this happening by the way!
Might I say I can't blame these parents since this hospital made SEVERAL medication errors while their son was in the PICU, including wrongfully administering antibiotics on VIRAL pneumonia. This couple had CPS called on them, and their sweet baby removed by FORCE because they wanted a second opinion? If CPS shows up on your doorstep, DO NOT OPEN YOUR DOOR without knowing your rights!!
I am a licensed nurse, and after HUNDREDS of hours of research, I am no longer an advocate of 99% of the vaccines out there. This is my RIGHT! I have had so many parents tell me, "Why are you against vaccines, MY children are just fine." Well good for you, and congratulations for falling into the 70-90% who show no outward signs of vaccine damage. Notice I say 'outward' signs. None of us ever questioned vaccines before our children regressed either. I personally find people who question my motives complete idiots. I would die for my kids, in a second, so ANY decision I make regarding their medical well being is because I feel in my heart of hearts that it is best for them.
For the record, the physician who first recommended hand washing to prevent the spread of deadly disease was called a quack. It was a German physician by the name of Ignaz Semmelweis who observed that by simply rinsing hands in clean water dramatically reduced the instance of infant death.
This was because physicians of this time (1840's) were going from woman to woman, delivering babies and not washing their hands in between. It was also common practice to perform autopsies on corpses who had died from extremely contagious diseases, and go straight to surgery. CAN YOU IMAGINE? These types of practices are completely unimaginable but be assured that the practice of hand washing was only formally implemented in the 1970's.
I firmly believe that one day, the reality of the damage that vaccines cause will be fully exposed. Until that time these are MY KIDS and God help any government agency that tries to take them away from me just for protecting them!
Comments are moderated so please be respectful. I have not been posting much, but this is near and dear to my heart. God stay close to these parents, and believing a lot of good will come out of this situation.
Might I say I can't blame these parents since this hospital made SEVERAL medication errors while their son was in the PICU, including wrongfully administering antibiotics on VIRAL pneumonia. This couple had CPS called on them, and their sweet baby removed by FORCE because they wanted a second opinion? If CPS shows up on your doorstep, DO NOT OPEN YOUR DOOR without knowing your rights!!
I am a licensed nurse, and after HUNDREDS of hours of research, I am no longer an advocate of 99% of the vaccines out there. This is my RIGHT! I have had so many parents tell me, "Why are you against vaccines, MY children are just fine." Well good for you, and congratulations for falling into the 70-90% who show no outward signs of vaccine damage. Notice I say 'outward' signs. None of us ever questioned vaccines before our children regressed either. I personally find people who question my motives complete idiots. I would die for my kids, in a second, so ANY decision I make regarding their medical well being is because I feel in my heart of hearts that it is best for them.
For the record, the physician who first recommended hand washing to prevent the spread of deadly disease was called a quack. It was a German physician by the name of Ignaz Semmelweis who observed that by simply rinsing hands in clean water dramatically reduced the instance of infant death.
This was because physicians of this time (1840's) were going from woman to woman, delivering babies and not washing their hands in between. It was also common practice to perform autopsies on corpses who had died from extremely contagious diseases, and go straight to surgery. CAN YOU IMAGINE? These types of practices are completely unimaginable but be assured that the practice of hand washing was only formally implemented in the 1970's.
I firmly believe that one day, the reality of the damage that vaccines cause will be fully exposed. Until that time these are MY KIDS and God help any government agency that tries to take them away from me just for protecting them!
Comments are moderated so please be respectful. I have not been posting much, but this is near and dear to my heart. God stay close to these parents, and believing a lot of good will come out of this situation.